Mitch Crawford Narrator/Voiceover

Member of the APA (Audio Publisher’s Association)

Samples (See all samples of narrated books currently for sale HERE)

Humorous Fantasy Fiction, three accents (m/f/zombie)
Children’s Lit, with Cockney and British accents
First Person Dramatic Memoir (2-person dialogue)
Southern accent from non-fiction Civil War book
1st POV, Self-Help Non-Fiction

Commercial Demo

Have a project? Contact me:


Professional Personal Recording Studio
· Microphone: AKG C1000s
· Preamp FetHead Phantom
· Interface: Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 (3rd Gen)
· DAW: Reaper
· LAN connection direct to booth
· Floor: Minimum -60 dB · Acoustically treated home studio
· Shop dog Grommit (always quiet, sits outside booth)
Audio Publishers Association
Accents · American (Standard) · Southern (General) · British (RP, Cockney) · Russian
Fluent Language · English
Secondary Familiarity Language · Spanish
Hobbies · Travel, Hiking, Amateur Photography, Tennis, Crystals, Doggos
Life Experience · College-prep high school teacher in Economics, History, Computer Graphic Design, Standardized Testing Preparation, Web Design, Photography and Spanish Culture; former small business owner; residential Realtor; copy editor; graphic designer
Areas of Knowledge · History, Economics, Psychology, Philosophy, Photography, volleyball and basketball (and sports in general), coaching, business, real estate, graphic design, crystals, metaphysics (shamanism, evidential mediumship, Reiki, energy, chakras, etc.), high school teaching, fatherhood

Personal Narrative

Mitch Crawford is an audiobook narrator, voiceover artist, actor and model. Mitch has a versatile voice that lays down a positive, trustworthy vibe. With a background teaching history and economics, as well as reading nightly to his children for years, he enjoys reading memoirs, biographies, children’s literature and young adult fiction, and nonfiction including sub genres like self-help, business/economics, psychology, philosophy, and history.

Training and practice allows him to expand his horizons to take on different characters and have more flexibility with accents. His continued training with Elise Arsenault in the Audiobook Adventure helps him hone his craft, along with continuing education through Edge Studios in NYC and with voice talent like Jennifer Sims. Acting and improv training with Pamela Daly, Shannon Yancsurak, Rebecca Holopter, among others, keeps him sharp and able to interpret characters and scripts before diving in to narrate.

Mitch grew up telling narrative, improvisational stories with his brother, using stuffed animals, tiny army men, or Star Trek action figures as characters. This carried forward to adulthood, crafting such stories with his children, as well as reading storybooks, picture books, and children’s lit aloud to all five offspring. He once read all 19 original Gertrude Chandler Warner Boxcar Children books to his two young boys one summer, chipping away at them each night before bedtime.

Watch the video version of my
commercial voiceover demo!